Since the growth of "Reality" TV shows and now, YouTube, it's getting much easier to get in touch with the lifestyles of the rich, the famous, and the wealthy.

Not only can anyone learn from these people, but they can also replicate and receive the same type of results.
I'm going to share 3 essential tips that I learned from spending a weekend among high performing billionaires and millionaires.
1) Have A Business Plan.
I've been in business for over 10 years. I've started 2 of my own businesses, I've been a part of over 20 different business ventures, and I've created the millionaire 7 streams of income.
With my expertise I've created a simple but effective plan to create sustainable business success through business development.
This works best when you create a brand, no matter if it's your personal brand, or a brand that you plan to grow into a major corporation.

A brand represents a commitment, and having a plan for that brand is increadibly essential.
I'll be sure to cover exactly why a business plan is important and simple steps in how to create one in another post.
For now, I want you to do your own research on the topic to start the process, but here are a few things to consider:
Business Plan Basics (click)
Leaders always have a plan, even when they have to create one "on the fly".
2) Have A Proof Of Concept
Why is having a proof of concept important? - Because "the proof is in the pudding", meaning that the real value of something can only be judged from practical experience or results and not just from appearance or theory.
So, the real worth, success, or effectiveness of something, esspecially your business plan and business brand, can only be determined by putting it to the test... By trying it or using it, with all appearances and promises to the side... Just as the best test of a pudding is to eat it; packaging and labeling aside.

People will only believe in things if they have a reason to...
If you don't present and communicate your value and your why clearly enough, people will never buy into you as much as they really should.
If you promise something to someone, they're going to want you to prove it... Your brand is a promise to serve in the areas that you have offered your specialties, make sure you can keep your promise.
I'll also make sure to go into more detail about proof of concept principles, for now take a look at these and do some of your own research:
Proof Of Concept Basics (click)
Leaders talk the talk, walk the walk, and show others how to do it.
3) Take Action
There's almost nothing worse than having a good idea, and doing absolutely nothing about it. Can I share a secret with you?
The smallest idea acted on, is greater than the best idea sat on.
Successful people really respect people that take action for what they want out of life.
Successful people really work with people that are doing something in their life.
Successful people really care about those that care enough about their own life.

If you plan on being successful in any area of life, you're going to need to take some level of action, whether it's on an entry level or whether you're hitting those executive places.
Action gets your life in motion and aligns your dream life with your real life. Like everything, it takes time, but the more action you take in favor of your best life, the better results and experiences you will receive on the journey.
Not sure how to take action?
Take a look at these short insights on taking action until I present a full post:
Action Taking Basics (click)
Leaders speak the universal language of success which is action.
Take a look at any billionaire, millionaire, best performing team, or top performing individual... You'll always see that they have a plan, can prove that plan, and act on that plan consistently.
1) Have A Business Plan
2) Have A Proof Of Concept
3) Take Action
As you know, I can only share so much within these posts, stay tuned for more information and insights about how you can create your brand, grow your brand, and succeed with your brand.
I look forward to working with you soon.
Great Success.
Avidon M. Respes
CEO & Director of Business Development
BRIODS Corporation Of America
(856) 481-2887

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Praise Yeshua's Name my Brother Avidon..
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